Reformed parish of Guebwiller
Cultes en mars 2025
Chaque dimanche à 10h15 au temple de Guebwiller
2 mars culte en alsacien autour de chants et textes de Jean-Louis Decker
9 mars culte autour de la journée de prière des femmes, verre de l'amitié.
16 mars culte présidé par Anne Heitzmann
23 mars culte de Sainte Cène avec la paroisse de Ensisheim
30 mars culte
"To be a Christian is not to speak of Christ but to live like him"
Ulrich Zwingli
Pastor: Roland Kauffmann
03 89 76 91 57 / 06 87 50 76 24
For the rental of rooms
Protestant Home clickhere
Worship every Sunday at 10:15 a.m.
except Sunday January 29, ecumenical celebration.
You will find below the sermons of the previous Sundays as the weeks go by. Many thanks to our volunteer webmaster.
These sermons are published with the aim of serving all those who wish to deepen their understanding of the faith and they are obviously free to use provided you specify the source : parish of Guebwiller and l 'author.
Roland Kauffmann, pastor.