Reformed parish of Guebwiller
Cultes en février 2025
Chaque dimanche à 10h15 au temple de Guebwiller
2 mars culte en alsacien autour de chants et textes de Jean-Louis Decker
9 mars culte autour de la journée de prière des femmes, verre de l'amitié.
16 mars culte présidé par Anne Heitzmann
23 mars culte de Sainte Cène avec la paroisse de Ensisheim
30 mars culte
"To be a Christian is not to speak of Christ but to live like him"
Ulrich Zwingli
Pastor: Roland Kauffmann
03 89 76 91 57 / 06 87 50 76 24
For the rental of rooms
Protestant Home clickhere
Worship every Sunday at 10:15 a.m.
except Sunday January 29, ecumenical celebration.
The main Protestant publishers

The parish has a documentary fund and numerous works to deepen certain subjects. Do not hesitate to consult them or to borrow them for your personal reflection. The library is easily accessible in the sacristy, the books are classified by subject.
Presentations of the month

It's night ! Night over Gethsemane, over the disciples and over Jesus! An unusual night... For Jesus, it's the last night, and he knows it! It's the heaviest night to bear... The disciples are there, with their awkwardness and their love... They know more or less that a heavy secret weighs on this night... What a night! This night is ours, and its weight is that of humanity. But it is also the night of God, the night of his mystery, the deepest night... Thus begins this book which will lead the reader to the heart of active prayer, of a prayer which struggles against trial and evil, and which will help him to move forward in life.
A few words about BOURGUET Daniel: the author is pastor of the Reformed Church of France. He has exercised various ministries in the parish and in theological education. He animates the community of the Spiritual Brotherhood of Watchers which was founded in 1923, within Protestantism, by Wilfred and Théodore Monod. Its purpose is to help everyone in their personal prayer life and in their commitments in the Church and in the world.

The story of Moses joins us in that it expresses the great questions of our humanity: The relationship between justice and mercy, the quest for liberation, the price of freedom, the founding of institutions, the relationship to power, the encounter with ingratitude, the fear of death… The tension between the demands of liberation and the temptation to step back into the categories of servitude is universal.
Antoine Nouis is a doctor of theology. He was a parish pastor for twenty-eight years. Currently theological adviser to the Réforme journal, he is the author of some twenty books.

Jacob and his sons lived tumultuous, turbulent lives marked by tears, exiles and reconciliations. Jacob's life was tinged with ambiguity in his relationship to others and in his conjugality, yet he is the eponymous ancestor of the people with whom God made a covenant. Against the utopia that seeks to eradicate evil in a dangerous quest for purity, the divine alliance takes into account the ambivalent and shared nature of our lives. It is in our history, with its crevices and flaws, that we are invited to welcome the Word as a promise placed on our lives. It's a story of cracks, but also and above all a story of faith and fidelity, right down to the twists and turns of History.

Three meditations that draw the reader into a movement given by Christ in the depths of his being. So in turn the disciple is the one who follows Jesus on the path of perfect love, then the one who experiences carrying with Christ the yoke of life while finding rest, and finally he lives this mystery of the communion where he is in Jesus and where Jesus dwells in him. A path where the call, the fight and the communion lead to joy. Three meditations on Mark 1.14-20 (The vocation of the disciples), Matthew 11.28-30 (Carry my yoke) and John 15.1-17 (The true vine). " The author is pastor of the Reformed Church of France. He has exercised various ministries in parish and in theological education.The Spiritual Brotherhood of Watchers was founded, within Protestantism, in 1923 by Wilfred and Théodore Monod. Its aim is to help everyone in their personal prayer life and in his commitments in the Church and in the world.