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Good morning !

New pastor of the reformed parish of Guebwiller, I look forward to meeting you soon. Either on the occasion of a cult, a visit or quite simply in the manifestations of the cultural and associative life of Guebwiller and surroundings.

Allow me to briefly introduce myself below.

2022-09-01 Edouard Cousin _L'Alsace.jpg

“You have been made to know, O man, what is good;

And what the Lord asks of you,

Is that you practice justice,

that you love mercy,

And that you walk humbly with your God. »

Micah 6, 8

To introduce myself to you, I have chosen my favorite Bible verse. Indeed, this passage from the prophet Micah is one of the landmarks of my pastoral ministry and my spiritual life. I am indeed convinced that faith is not only a matter of beliefs or practices but that it is above all a way of life. The one that does not necessarily lead to happiness or prosperity as understood by contemporary society but seeks justice between men, mercy in all human relationships and humility for all that concerns our understanding of God, otherwise says happiness as the Gospel understands it.

In other words, faith is a conception of the good, of what is desirable and desirable in the social, economic, political and religious organization of a society, a group, a family or individual scale. And Micah balances his idea of good with mercy. A mercy that it is not enough to proclaim or claim but that one must “love”, that is to say feel, experience, desire. It is an openness to others in their history, their questions, their doubts, their shortcomings, their errors while accepting their own weaknesses and faults but wishing to improve in all things and at all times. To seek the good of the other at all levels of our actions and our responsibilities, in a spirit of brotherhood and of attention to each one in what is particular to them, in respect for the riches they bring, in the care of the weaknesses that undermine it is ultimately an ethic of goodness, one that wants to be consistent for a Christian life.



You will often hear me speak of "biblical simplicity", because I consider that the biblical message is entirely contained in the fact that God, in the person of Jesus Christ, died and rose again so that we may have life and we have it in abundance. From this conviction stems my deep gratitude to the Eternal for all that he has given us and continues to give us to live. Far from a blissful optimism, I attempt a constructive and lucid criticism of the world as it is, but not in a nostalgic catastrophism of a bygone era but, on the contrary, in the conviction that our world, the one entrusted to us by the Eternal, can be transformed for greater justice, that is to say equality between all human beings without distinction of sex, origin or convictions; transformed for more freedom, that is to say capacity for everyone to act in conscience and transformed for more love, that is to say brotherhood with all that lives, in us and around we. If I speak of “biblical simplicity”, it is again to affirm that the Bible is accessible and understandable by all, that it is not reserved for specialists but that it is on the contrary part of our common heritage. It seems essential to me that each of us draw intelligence and wisdom from it to direct our existence in today's world.



I have always understood my ministry as I understand my life: as a humble walk with this God who gives me life, meaning and reason for living. This humility that makes me hate the capital letters that are given to big words to impose on the weak or the small. I do not believe in the Good or the True, or the Just or the Good, but in the good that we do for each other, in the truth that we seek together, in the just that gives right to the oppressed, in the good for all. As you will have understood, I situate myself theologically much more on the side of the religions of the Spirit than of the religions of authority; liberal thought than dogmatism and humanism much more than pietism. I hope that we will have the opportunity to discuss all these subjects during the two years for which I am sent on a mission to you.


Do not hesitate to contact me if you would like a visit or simply to discuss theological and spiritual questions or if you wish to prepare an event such as a baptism or a wedding.


(this address is shared with other memberss of the Presbyteral Council)

03 89 76 91 57 / 06 87 50 76 24

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